Why Testel

Within all Australian sates, the OHS standards for electrical appliances require a range of electrical testing and electrical Test and Tag services. As a government regulated organisation, non-compliance penalties apply to every workplace. When completing electrical testing and alterations through Testel, all records of electrical testing will be made and kept for insurance purposes as well as compliance certificates as a form of proof.

Why Test For Electrical Safety?

Electrical safety has always been a large concern to users. While electricity is something we use almost constantly in everyday life, becoming complacent can be life threatening. As we use electricity so frequently throughout the day, it is often forgotten that electricity is highly dangerous, causing a number of deaths daily, with electricity taking only 30 milliseconds to kill. The dangers of electricity are avoided through careful use and frequent testing. RCDs do not provide a guarantee of safety as some may be led to believe. Due to these factors, laws to reduce electrocutions were mandated for the workplace, to ensure safety through testing electrical appliances and attaching safety tags in the workplace and keeping records of electrical tag testing results to cover mishaps. This is now government mandated, and there are penalties for non-compliance. This can range from and increase in levies, to fines or imprisonment. Non-compliance is also a breach of any insurance policy your business or organisation may hold. Every person who may have an affect on workplace health and safety and every principal or employer who commissions workers or contractors are responsible for maintaining electrical servicing and ensuring

Why test for electrical safety?

  • No Workplace or Business is Exempt
  • Penalties For Non-Compliance
  • Non-Compliance is a Breach of Insurance

Ensure You Are Compliant

To ensure you are compliant, Testel can provide specialist electrical safety testing, electrical Test and Tag equipment and provide certificates to serve as proof of compliance.

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