Available Opportunities

Testel Franchising:

Since its founding in 1995, Testel has successfullyexpanded its standing as a leading electrical safety brand,underpinned by the hard work and dedication of our growing base of franchisees.
Owning your own franchise under the Testel umbrella can be a rewarding, and lucrative, venture. This page aims to provide a broader overview of franchising, hopefully answering some of the questions you may have in relation to business opportunities with Testel. For any further information pertaining to the electrical safety industry; the company structure;investment levels; or for afull list of our services provided, feel free to contact Testel at our Contact Us page.

Franchising Opportunities:

Franchisees have the opportunity, and indeed personal responsibility, of extending their range of services they offer to clients by developing and expanding their business under the Testel brand.

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The electrical safety industry requires specialist vendors to commit to deliver their services in a timely fashion, providing and maintaining accurate records. The Testel system has been developed as a solution to meet commercial and business needs, presenting a unique opportunity that offers significant benefits to both clients and franchise owners alike. The franchise structure allows you, as an owner-operator, to shape your own business, limited only by your commitment and dedication. The more effort that you put in, the greater likelihood there is for expanding your business. Franchisees have the opportunity, and indeed personal responsibility, of extending their range of services they offer to clients by developing and expanding their business under the Testel brand.

Benefits of Operating a TestelFranchise:

Testel Franchisees are fully supported with marketing, management, business and administrative support. Testel franchises provide flexible work hours and invoices are compiled on your behalf by Testel!

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Franchising with Testel offers significant advantages for people wishing to go into business for themselves. With the level of support provided as part of the Testel family, franchise owners will be free to concentrate on maximising productivity and value they deliver to customers. Testel franchisees will receive any necessary marketing support, management guidance and training; important elements critical to the ongoing success of any business.

Below we’ve outlined some of the primary benefits that you will take advantage of by operating your very own Testel franchise:

  • Your nominated income level is supported;
  • Working hours can be adjusted to suit your requirements;
  • No large financial investment required for plant, inventory or leasehold improvements;
  • A comprehensive training program is provided for all new franchise owners;
  • Access to Testel’s proprietary software – TES – which has been designed and built specifically to meet marketplace needs;
  • Extensive business and administrative support;
  • Access to service divisions of larger client organisations which have multiple locations and a single vendor;
  • Your monthly invoices are compiled and sent out on your behalf by Testel – no lengthy paperwork to do each month; and
  • Full contract negotiation support.

Where do Testel offer franchise options?

Franchises are available Australia wide!

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Testel offer services franchises in electrical safety across all major Australian cities, covering every state and territory. Feel free to inquire about franchise opportunities in your area – in particular Test &Tag franchises – whether you want to start a franchise in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin or Alice Springs, we have you covered.

Tell me more about Test and Tag franchise options with Testel:

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Testing and tagging (or Test and Tag) refers to the process of inspecting electrical equipment and appliances to test their level of safety. Testing and tagging involves both visual inspections of the appliances, as well asregular, periodic testing using measuring devices. All testing and tagging is designed to ensure that appliances are safe for use, whether at home or in the workplace. Test and tag inspectors will usually determine whether an appliance is defective, or missing vital components, by looking at them, before employing devices to test their safety in areas like insulation resistance and polarity.

Advantages of Testel over competitors:

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As a trusted and established electrical safety operator, Testel is continuously growing as a company and is committed to providing high quality services.

Testel has positioned itself as a very reliable and trustworthy electrical safety operator. The company has worked diligently, in conjunction with its franchisee partners, to establish itself in a competitive marketplace, successfully expanding its national footprint in the process. Testel has done this through a set of core strengths that serve as our promise to our franchisee network, including:

  • Our strong marketplace presence, with Test & Tag franchises in all states and territories in Australia;
  • Our capability and reliability in service delivery;
  • Our powerful data management tools;
  • Our ability to provide clients access to real time data and results;
  • The cost effectivenessof being a Testel franchise owner;
  • Our compliance assurances; and
  • Our network of highly skilled and experienced test engineers.

Franchise Support:

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As a Testel franchise owner, you will be supported by our team of experienced professionals, committed to achieving the same goals as you: operating a successful business! We have refined, in our two decades of operation, what makes a successful franchise, and are able to equip you with the best possible information and know-how as you embark on your business venture.
The constant feedback loop between Testel and franchisees has allowed our team a deeper understanding of the needs and requirements of franchise owners; something that we are always excited about sharing with new, prospective franchise owners. Whether you need assistance in induction training, sales support, operational assistance, or administrative backup – in every facet of your business, you can look forward to a responsive, and cooperative, level of support.

Marketing Support:

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The Testel marketing and promotions teams are highly qualified in the use of new and old media to help you grow your business in the marketplace. The range of work they do may include, but not limited to, a selection ofthe following techniques:

  • Improving your local visibility through online search rankings and Google Ads;
  • Using network referrals; and
  • Providing simple marketing know-how advice that you can use for your business.

Data Support:

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Testel uses a proprietary database called TES, which we own the copyright to. It is a powerful management tool with a range of features, which significantly reduce test and operator time. This in turn reduces service costs while enhancing the accuracy and quality of our service.
TES is an interactive database. Clients can view a range of reports on their own desktop computer using the source data from the Testel server. Available reports include performance reports, budget forecasts, and test results to name a few.
As a further feature clients will have access to edit or append the data stored on the Testel server. This means contact details can be changed, new items can be purchased at a site and their details can be added to the database by authorized personnel, and so on.

Training Support:

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Naturally, Testel offers all prospective franchise owners dedicated training necessary to run an efficient electrical safety business. More information on training can be obtained upon inquiry.

Master Franchise:

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The General Manager is responsible for the continuing development and success of the Testel Franchise Group, maintaining a vision for the growth and prosperity of the Testel brand.
A Master Franchise is, generally speaking, more of a management role whereby you control the rights over a particular region or area. Master franchisees will be primarily responsible for granting individual franchises within your area of operation, providing additional backup and support to franchise owners in your jurisdiction. Master franchisees receive ongoing royalties and profits based on the performance of their region.
If you believe that you have the technical expertise and commitment to run a Master Franchise, contact Testel for more information.

Franchise Owner Services Manager:

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The service manager is an opportunity to be a key player in support services for other franchisees. That is, service managers play a vital role in providing field-support for all Testel franchise owners, requiring a wealth of knowledge, qualifications and expertise in the electrical testing industry. They must be available for franchisees to assist them with any issues, while also being available to attend meetings and informal discussions up to 5 days a week. More information is available upon inquiry.

Skills required for running a franchise:

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Franchisees do not need any specific level of qualifications or education.Due to the thorough, on-going and complete training available, franchise owners do not require any specificabilities or experience. Providing you have the desire to run a successful business, we can train you in everything else you need to know.

What is franchising?

Even if you're unaware of what franchising is all about, you've probably heard the word being used; most likely you've heard it in passing referring to fast food giants like McDonalds or general stores like 7-Eleven.

Essentially, franchising is a way of distributing goods and services via a two level structure, involving a franchisor and a franchisee. The franchisor, which is typically an organisation, grants the rights for another person, or franchisee, to sell and promote a product using their brand name.
The most obvious benefit of a franchising system is that successfully unites significantly smaller operations under one umbrella, where they can each leverage the brand name that has been accumulated over time for their own benefit. That has been the driving factor in the success behind global conglomerations like 7-Eleven and McDonalds today.
In developed franchises, each franchise is given the opportunity to sell products and services that already enjoy high brand recognition. Moreover, each franchise has access to upper level management they can refer to for help in running their businesses. The success of both the franchisee and franchisor is dependent on each other, with franchisees responsible for expanding the brand.
However the franchisee has the same incentives to grow as an independent business, earning the right to profit from the efficiency of their franchise. This allows motivated franchise operators the opportunity to expand their market while reaping the rewards of doing so.



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