Emergency / Exit Light Testing and Replacement

By the time an emergency or exit light is needed, the risk is already very real. For this reason, it is essential that all your emergency and exit lighting is periodically inspected and maintained. In fact, the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2293 requires that all such lighting systems must be in a state of readiness and operational.

Like any emergency equipment, testing must be a routine procedure. Not only will this provide peace of mind, but it will also ensure that legislative requirements are complied with. Workplaces also have a duty of care to their employees, customers and the public. The provision of lighting in the case of emergencies and general exiting are a part of this responsibility.

Testing & Replacement Service

As part of our safety testing, Testel also provides a replacement service for any blown lights or faulty components.

Testel’s Emergency / Exit Lighting Testing service includes inspecting, making recommendations and repairing (if required and applicable) the following:

  • Position of the emergency / exit lighting (i.e. effectiveness)
  • Switches
  • Batteries
  • Luminaries
  • Control equipment
  • Tube replacement
  • Simulation of power failure
  • Cleaning
  • Maintenance
  • Reporting of failures
  • Recording data in site manuals
  • Ensure lighting can remain lit for a minimum of 90 minutes

Testel& Periodic Safety Testing

Testel and our team of licensed electricians are able to provide emergency light testing with minimal disruption to your business.

With a client base of more than 15,000 sites across Australia, including regional and remote areas, Testel uses the TES database to manage all records and reporting requirements.

Emergency lighting and exit lighting is one of the most important maintenance and preventative measures a business can take. To contact us about an electrical safety test today, phone one of our representatives on 1300 881 116 or email us to book an inspection time.

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