Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging uses infrared technologies to produce temperature calibrated infrared or heat pictures. Measuring levels of heat emitted from an entity, thermal imaging can identify increased or reduced heat emissions and / or so called “hot spots” or “hot joints”.

Thermal imaging’s ability to detect temperature differences helps in electrical safety testing – heat differences can signal an electrical fault within a device or appliance that is often invisible to the eye.

Typically used to test electrical / mechanical services, switchboards and equipment, thermal imaging is especially useful as switchboard faults often breakdown slowly, providing the owner with a period of time in which to identify the fault before any serious issues occur. For this reason, the Thermal Imaging service is considered a form of Preventative Maintenance.

Benefits of Thermal Imaging

A Thermal Imaging testing service will:

  • Ensure electrical safety and protect users and assets
  • Prevent fire danger and explosion from faulty devices
  • Check the integrity and reliability of the device
  • Prevent costly breakdowns and loss of income before it happens
  • Provide cost savings by paying just for the test rather than equipment and lost earnings
  • Picking up faults that a regular maintenance routine can’t pick up
  • Identify exactly where the fault is
  • Be used as part of a regular maintenance program

Testel’s Qualified Thermographers

All Testel’s Thermographers are qualified to AS 3998 Standards. Our Thermal imaging service and report provides a set of recommendations that should be implemented before an actual fail occurs. A form of preventative maintenance, Thermal Imaging should be included in every best practice maintenance program.

With services right across Australia, client safety testing sites numbering more than 15,000 and more than 3,000,000 separate test records, Testel can carry out all your business’ or home’s safety testing needs. Call one of our representatives on 1300 881 116 or email us to book in a test today.

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